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BP-Aral, Gotha, Germany

KPS’ easy install piping prevents downtime for BP-Aral during piping upgrade in Gotha, Germany

Project overview

BP-Aral contacted KPS for an installer friendly below ground installation on a site in Gotha, Germany to replace their corroded steel pipes. The pipes in question were over twenty years old and had begun to leak. A key requirement of this project was no interruption of fuel sales.

Previously installed steel piping had become damaged over time and started to rust


The previously installed steel fuel piping had become damaged as a result of rust over the last twenty years, causing the pipes to leak. No down time or interruption of sales was a key requirement of this project, so a solution had to be put in place before the old piping was disconnected.


KPS double wall piping was installed one level above the existing steel pipes, then once the plastic piping was in position, the tank was disconnected from the old piping and connected to the new KPS piping above, preventing interruption of fuel sales.

KPS piping was installed one level above the steel piping, preventing interruption of fuel sales
Once the plastic KPS piping was in position, the old steel piping was disconnected and the new KPS piping was connected


BP-Aral’s Gotha site in Germany now has a long-term corrosion-resistant solution. KPS’ double wall piping is quick and easy to install whilst preventing fuel leakage, continuing to perform year after year.

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Picture of Oscar Garcia

Oscar Garcia

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